My insurance tips are the results of my 21 years as a Farmers Insurance Agent – here are the main ones.
The most frequent call I get every winter is from our home and rental property owners who had rain water enter their building after a big downpour or storm. Of course, I have to break the bad news to them that this is not a Covered Loss under home or rental property insurance because the carriers call it a maintenance problem. Therefore, my key insurance tip is that all properties must be sealed and caulked to keep out the rain water.
If a plumbing pipe suddenly bursts, this is a Covered Loss.
Or if a dishwasher, refrigerator, or clothes washer suddenly overflowed, this is a Covered Loss.
Or if the hot water heater cracked, spilling hot water and causing say $10,000+ of hard wood floor damage, this is a Covered Loss.
But if rain penetrates the property envelope due to poor caulking, or loose metal flashing, or loose roof shingles, this is not a Covered Loss.
Some Other Common Sense Tips to Keep You Safe and Loss Free in Winter:
- Buy new Auto wiper blades for your car. They dry and crack over the hot summer.
- Check your car tires
- Add more antifreeze to your car for colder months ahead. Visit your mechanic!
- Clear the dead leaves & branches from your home and rental property gutters and downspouts
- Inspect the caulk around your windows of your home to avoid rain water penetration (this is a big one).
- Replace loose or turned up shingles on your roof that can let rain water in your attic causing wet and then dry rot
- Hire an dryer duct cleaner to remove built up lint particles in your ducts. They are highly flammable!
Hope these insurance tips help you winterize your home and avoid uncovered losses.
Also see these tips for restaurant owners and for condominium owners and insurance discounts for everyone.